Study abroad? Why not?

In ancient times, not everyone thinks that study abroad is possible. Over time and the development of technology, many people are flocking to the country to pursue courses that are more advanced than their country. I try to find some informations for myself and share this to you too. Here are a few countries that can be used as a reference for the continuing master's degree in the field of metallurgy engineering and material science 1. The Netherlands One northwest European state with the state capital Amsterdam. A little story, after I watched the movie "Negeri Van Oranje" I was inspired by the atmosphere and the beauty of this country. One of the best university to continue materials science and engineering is the Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands. Fig. 1. Delft University. Source : Fig. 2. Beauty of Delft's city. Source : 2. The United Kingdom Who wouldn't choose UK as a place to cont...